BLY YGA Agreement





Bday :)


Why I choose BLY YGA:

Welcome! I’m so excited to have you as part of our practice. This document will outline what I’m committing to for you and what you’re committing to me.

As part of the BLY YGA program you agree to maintain your membership in our small group practice community and attend a minimum of one class per week on average. For instance, if you will be out of town for 3 weeks, attend at least 2 classes for the three weeks before and after your trip. You are encouraged to come to at least 2 classes each week, but the minimum commitment is 1 class per week average.

You promise not to share the materials, online course or downloads with people outside this course.

You also commit to cultivate and maintain a Home Yoga Practice (HYP) of at least 15 minutes 6 days per week. This practice may be asana, but could also be pranayama (breathing awareness techniques), meditation, &c. You should keep a journal of your practice to support your teaching.

This agreement is for 6 months. We can initial to extend in 6 month increments.

I promise to help you learn how to practice yoga asana, breath practices and meditation in such a way that you understand how to select techniques for given circumstances and cultivate a home practice.

I promise to provide information, philosophy, group interaction and guidance for developing skills so that you can guide others in the practice.

When the Home Yoga Practice Online Course is up and running, you’ll be expected to take it if you haven’t already, within 6 months, or attend a weekend if it is offered during that time and there is space.

I promise to provide you an opportunity to lead this group in practice. If you are cleared, I promise to put you on my list for substitutes and outcalls (corporate yoga classes) which gives you the opportunity to teach as an independent contractor.

You promise to attend at least one live, in person class each week at BLY Studio. You have access to videos.

You promise to cultivate a home practice of at least 15 minutes 6 days a week.

You promise to participate whole heartedly in all BLY YGAemail and online course discussions, meetings or make up for occasional missed meetings by conversation with one of the other BLY YGAs and/or me. Meetings may be recorded so missing YGAs can participate by video. You agree to be part of the video.

You promise to read all material the group is reading as we read it and participate in discussion. Readings will be from the suggested reading list below, but you need not read it all, or read it all right now.

You agree to substitute for me in classes for an equal term to your apprenticeship once cleared by me to do so. You will be expected to teach classes on a volunteer basis until you are cleared as part of your apprenticeship and we will debrief these classes also as part of your apprenticeship. Some will be supervised, others unsupervised.

You agree to obtain liability insurance before teachning any class (about $150/year).

Once you are cleared to teach independently you may sub, offer a class of your own and offer workshops in our community as an independent contractor at $25/hour.

We will begin by reading TKV Desikachar’s Heart of Yoga. Obtain a copy and read Chapters one - four.


____________________________________BLY YGA

____________________________________Christine Stump, E-RYT, YACEP, BA

Necessary Reading:

  • HYP Journalling Workbook (included in online course)
  • Heart of Yoga, TKV Desikachar
  • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, tr. Sri Swami Satchidananda
  • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, tr. Mukunda Stiles

Suggested Reading:

  • Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology, Elaine Marieb
  • Structural Yoga Therapy, Mukunda Stiles
  • Asana: Theory and Practice, Teaching and Application, Mukunda Stiles
  • Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, Mukunda Stiles
  • Yoga Yajnavalkya, tr. A.G. Mohan
  • YinSights, Bernie Clark
  • Restore and Rebalance: Yoga for Deep Relaxation (Paperback)【2017】by Judith Hanson Lasater
  • Moving Into Stillness, Erich Schiffman
  • Moving Toward Balance, Rodney Yes

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